• 2 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: November 24th, 2024


  • Primarily, an anti-realist. Though I also identify as a democratic socialist and anti-imperialist. Used to have more anarchist leanings, but given how far away we are from such a thing, I’m not sure how productive it would be to advocate for at this moment in time. I honestly think guaranteeing people whatever basic necessities they need for life so they can focus on whatever and whoever will fulfill them is a much more pressing goal. Also, defeating fascism. If you identify as an anarchist, we’d probably get along tho!

  • Thank you! This means so so much to me because I grew up watching movies and reading comic books with very heroic narratives and wanting to be like the protagonists from those, and those continue to be a major inspiration for my activism. I wish characters like Spider-Man and Luke Skywalker were real cuz I know they’d be just the people to fix our fucked up situation, but since they’re not here we’ll have to make the world a better place in their stead!

  • Oh, I know. I’m just accurately depicting what those mods are ACTUALLY mad about.

    Not being a transphobe is really simple. Someone tells you “Hello, nice to meet you! I identify as ____, my pronouns are /.” If you respect their self-identity and chosen pronouns, then congratulations, you’re not a transphobe! You all failed this test. You all failed it hard. There’s been one transgender individual in this entire drama. Dragon Rider. Dragon Rider has been repeatedly been referred to as a guy and with the pronouns he/him, despite constantly stressing that drag is non-binary and uses drag/dragself pronouns. Including val, someone you did not correct in this very conversation. Drag has been called a troll for defending dragself for months on end now. If I was one of the trans people your side of this argument was supposedly trying to protect, I would be very scared for my safety on this website.

  • It must be so exhausting to be you. To live in such paranoid fear of whatever it is cringe culture tells you to fear and hate this week, to know them ‘cringe’ so intimately. I bet you watch ALL the YouTube drama channels. After two decades of having to try and enjoy the internet AROUND people like you, I know your kind. You’re the typical Redditor bully. Your ‘high-powered analysis’ doesn’t frighten me anymore, Mr. Sanchez.

    I know all of these things about Dragon Rider because I’m drag’s FRIEND. You seem like you’re a deeply pathetic person in your own personal life who needs the internet to gang up on those you think are inferior to yourself to make you feel better about yourself. I WISH I didn’t have to talk to you. I wish I didn’t have to deal with the knowledge that you exist. I feel like I need to wash off the stench of your misery just texting with you online. Unfortunately, what you said hurt Dragon Rider. We were on call, and drag nearly self-harmed because of what you and your mod-simping gang of bullies said to drag. And now, in order to be a good friend to Dragon Rider, I HAVE to engage with you.

  • Ah. Well, that seems like a shitty excuse. They’re public servants, they chose this role, they should just be made to deal with that. If they don’t want to have to deal with rules preventing them from abusing their fellow users, they shouldn’t be mods and should just spend their free time playing video games instead. They remind me of cop characters on police procedural tv shows that are mad that liberal politicians won’t let them commit brutality against and trample all over the civil rights of the citizens they’re supposed to be protecting

    I’m also going to be completely blunt, I don’t believe you that having to respect the choice of pronouns of transgender users isn’t the issue for them. I think you’re lying through your teeth to cover for them.