While both of those are great software. Unless I’m not aware of something they aren’t cloud/network based office suites like Google docs and office 365.
It seems this is an alternative to office software where you can work simultaneously and share documents in the same cloud/network.
I don’t think there is an alternative to office 365 and Google docs at this point that is open source. So this seems like a great project and I’ll definitely be considering it for our company.
I hope they make a bunny figure of marcille one day.
Nice find and great article.
Well basically the same things that makes other Europeans mad at the USA. USA has proven to be unreliable in about everything (climate, trade, stability, economics).
Honestly the only positive is that the EU is finally stepping up and getting rid of our dependance on the US.
Same here. Dutch and don’t want to use any american closed source crap anymore. Dutch people are pretty angry of the US right now.
Awesome picture!
Can’t wait! I hope it’s a season but a movie would be nice too.
Thanks I’ll definitely check that out. I’ve seen some posts about it working on Synology Nas devices so that’s very interesting.