Imagine naming your ‘encyclopaedia’ after a political school of thought and making it crystal clear that it’s more about pushing ideology than information, then giving it the tagline “The Trustworthy Encyclopaedia”.
And the sad part is that the people this caters to will 100% believe that tagline while ignoring all other evidence to the contrary and clutching their Trump bibles and wearing their red hats.
Personally I’m not a relationship expert by any means, in fact I’m probably closer to ace than anything as far as sexuality goes. So I’m not here to offer advice, just some resources.
If open relationships and not being tied down or tying anyone else down (metaphorically, you’re welcome to use rope in other ways if you wish) is your thing, maybe Relationship Anarchy would be a useful school of thought for you to read up on. It’s something that I’ve been reading up on slowly that I think has some interesting ideas whether you’re polyamorous or monogamous. Just a little something to help work on your own headspace with this perhaps.