FM Chiptune Musician | DX Complex Staff | SEGA, MSX and Retro Tech Dork | He/Him

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Cake day: August 15th, 2024


  • However, history shows that it didn’t work out, and when Sharp began making x86-based Windows machines — and, of course, they did — there was no migration path.

    it’s very weird the way people talk about old platforms sometimes. the X68000 was a high-end product but still had a massive doujin scene and is still a valuable collector’s item today. but because they’re not still for sale, they’re a failure? is the NES a failure because you can’t buy one at Walmart anymore?

  • any fan could tell the difference, but i can see parents being confused, and they’re the ones footing the bill for the vast majority of pokemon fans. pair that with the guns and back in the day if my parents caught wind of it, Pokémon would be banned in my household no matter how hard i tried to explain Palworld was different

    for the record i am very anti-copyright and think Pokémon should be in the public domain by now, and generally hate Nintendo’s over-ligitous practices. i also don’t understand the patent angle of this action. but i ln this one specific case i can see where they’re coming from, as opposed to if they were going after good-faith tributes like Coromon or Cassette Beasts or a ROM hack

  • for me, NiGHTS 100%. SM64 is good but was definitely feeling the growing pains of 3D gameplay, whereas NiGHTS was the cumulation of all of the 2D gaming that came before it while also utilizing the new technology available to it’s fullest. as an arcade score-attack style game it also has near infinife replayability, and the soundtrack is one of if not the best of all time. i guess it’s kind of apples to oranges, though- farer to compare two arcade style games like NiGHTS and Star Fox 64 or two 3D platformers like Super Mario 64 and Burning Rangers

    suprised to see how many commenters here haven’t even heard of NiGHTS. a remake of the original game is dirt cheap on Steam and definitely worth taking for a whirl. it is a truly amazing game

  • Time by the Electric Light Orchestra. that period in the late 70s and early 80s where synthesizer music was getting popular but hadn’t fully codified norms yet is chock full of incredible music, and Time was one of those albums while also being the culmination of a lot of the rock and pop that came before it. add an engaging and heartbreaking story and you have a winner