why not have a single global timezone and people change their local numbers.
e.g. if you life in hawaii you stand up at 11pm and if people in russia work until 8am.
why not have a single global timezone and people change their local numbers.
e.g. if you life in hawaii you stand up at 11pm and if people in russia work until 8am.
[nitpick] could have written a black “シ” in front of the “sh” to keep consistency with the other katakana. Also it looks like a grinning smiley, which is also nice.
Accusing a man of being “ergi,” which is basically unmanly, was enough of an insult to be answered with blood
“using gay as an insult” is not proof of extreme homophobia. By that logic every teenager on the planet would be extreme homophobic.
In fact, pretty much every descriptive word can be used as an insult. If anything your example proofs, that vikings take insults very serious.
because of two bodies can not occupy the same space, the feather and the ball will be in different position when you drop them. And therefor gravitation will pull the earth slightly more toward the ball and slightly less toward the feather.
I like the explanation that devious spirits cannot say this phrase and that’s why it’s used
Evil spirits can not say the same word twice in a row. Foxes can not say “moshi”. With “moshi moshi” you get a 2-for-1 special.
the other stuff isn’t too wild either.
what are you going to do when there’s night
how does it compare to yt-dlp?
Most Adobe tools don’t have any good free alternatives even for home use.
inkscape is on a level with illustrator (maybe even better)
for drawing: try krita
if you want to pay money (much much less than for adobe): Affinity is on a level with fotoshop
if you just want to make a simple program. It still needs to run in kubernetes.
“hello OPS-team. Here is my simple program. Have fun running it on your kubernetes”
fucking Heritage Foundation, wow.
At this point they are just evil for the sake of being evil.
It’s at most 40 years old technolog
the 60s were 60 years ago
Only reason to include 2 full bridge rectifiers
they look like runes.
. But it is trained well enough to correlate left and right together
eliza could do that 60 years ago
the goldberg-steamcrack supports multiplayer. https://gitlab.com/Mr_Goldberg/goldberg_emulator
I only tested it in lan, and it works great. Not sure if it works online, too. You may need hamachi.
And of course: online multiplayer with randos is probably not worth it, as others have pointed out. On one hands it’s probably a bitch to set up. On the other cheating is probably rampant.
who does the gene therapie work?
Do they inject mrna (like with the covid vaccine) or is there more going on?
the article is a little light on the technical details.
But only temporarily
but is it?
I thought the temporal improvement would be for everyone who already used the high way (because they will get to their destination a little bit faster). And for the few extra people, who start to use the highway but didn’t use it before, the improvment will stay.
When you add a new lane to a road, people think that the traffic will be easier there, so they take that route instead of their normal one
so for these people the new lane will create marginal improvement, right?
is it still owned by tencent?