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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I would recommend it as it is fairly easy to understand and most Foss services give you an example to use. You can also convert docker run examples to compose (search docker composeriser) although it doesn’t always work.

    I found composer files easier when learning it, to digest what is going on (ports, networks, depends_on etc) and can compare with other services to see what is missing (container name, restart schedule etc). I can then easily backup the compose files, env files and data directories to be able to very quickly get a service up again (although DBs are trickier but found a docker image that I can stick on the compose files which backups the DB dumps regularly)

  • I am born and raised in England to Indian parents so always had some internal tension. Sometimes, I don’t understand my patents culture and sometimes I don’t understand English culture. However, I’ve realised I am who I am, and can take the best bits from both. There are some bits I don’t like so I’m the better for being / having that mix. I married an Irish person who moved over several years ago. Irish used to be the “other” and were screwed over, but now are sometimes considered “white”, so just shows the target moves.

    There has always been racism in British society and unfortunately I have felt it pick up since the Brexit vote and Trump’s election (I think it empowered them). However, it is from a small minority of people. In some areas it comes from ignorance, which I can kind of forgive. Others will always see us as outsiders with our foreign names (and my brown skin) no matter what we do. I just think, screw them. I mean, can they trace themselves back before the Normans, the Romans or the Vikings etc? Where do you draw the line exactly?!? England has always been a mix of people and culture so they’re the ones missing out. I’m happy driving my Korean car to a German store to buy ingredients for a Thai green curry. Oh, I’ll grab a French pastry for breakfast, Chilean wine for the weekend and well, you get the idea! Let’s make the most of this multicultural place and ideas, and who cares about bigots who you can guarantee, like a cheeky korma and Belgian beer…

  • Surely, they are not mutually exclusive and some form of this scheme has been in place for some countries (albeit mainly white commonwealth countries) for many years, even when the UK was in the EU.

    Holy shit though, I just looked up the UK’s scheme and you have to pay almost a grand in fees (mostly NHS surcharge) and have over £2,500 in savings. I don’t want rich a-holes coming over for an extended holiday instead of normal people from more different cultures. Let’s vote for better and fairer immigration polices

  • My parents had a Post Office which I effectively grew up in. I remember them having to report things on a desktop and loading these discs. I also remember when they got the Horizon system and how much trouble they were having trying to get it to work.

    They moved to the city I was born and raised in just to buy the PO, and both worked full time in it. I feel so lucky they didn’t get caught up in it all. I have asked if they paid anything they weren’t sure about and they said there was nothing, although my mum paused before answering so think there might’ve been something.

    It would have ruined our lives completely so all this scandal stuff really hits me hard. I couldn’t even watch the Norman Bates show past 20 minutes as I just got so upset and angry. Fuck all the people involved (at every level) and hope they suffer for all time…

  • Very interesting, thank you for sharing!

    Some of these are exactly what I was thinking so will join or see how they can help. However, I do get the sense they have no real say in local politics here given what I’ve seen in proposals and plans from the local and county councils. I noticed new caveats to some of the 20mph and LTN type plans (which are far behind other areas already) with “depending on the wishes of actual residents in that area”, or something along those lines added that sounds like full on NIMBYISM or anti-woke to me. I do reply to consultations with my concerns as a local cyclist but don’t see much changing. Perhaps doing so as part of a group will be better.

    Unfortunately I’m just outside London in Surrey where the infrastructure is awful. There is a noticeable drop in quality as soon as you cross the invisible border. It’s worse for cyclists and pedestrians.

    For example, the behaviour of car drivers outside my child’s primary school is terrible and they school constantly asks people to be more careful but the council doesn’t seem to care. They have yellow lines on the smallest stretch you can imagine and not even on both sides of a small road, which are ignored anyway. The road is still 30mph, there are no ped crossings, let alone crossing guards. I even requested parking enforcement to come. They said would add it to their list but have seen them once in 6 months.

    Sorry, turned into a bit of a rant towards the end!

  • I think one of the main points in the article is that there is no group of cyclists able to come together to lobby and tbh, I don’t see how it’s really possible. It’s something I’ve been thinking for a while.

    I am a cyclist and a driver. I am not personally in a lobbying group for either. However, like another poster said, oil companies and car manufacturers have the money and reasoning to come together to lobby on behalf of drivers regardless of my actual wishes but they’ve got lots of my money from having bought and maintained a car. Cyclist manufacturers aren’t exactly large, have much money or are as combined into a few multinationals. There is no fuel industry either.

    I don’t really know any other cyclists like me who are more casual, and use it for local journeys. I want better segregated lanes, better and more secure parking (my bike got stolen recently), the police to actually care about bike thefts, and more considered routes/junctions. There are social groups of long distance weekend cyclists but tbh, they have completely different priorities and interests to me. Even when I used to commute my cycling habits were completely different so my requests would be different.

  • I’d much rather see this than any of the commercial adverts.

    It is useful information too. Most people won’t interrupt or help, and partly because they are not sure how. I saw this recently and it did make me think, if I did see something happening I have a better idea of how I can help.

    It also creates an environment where you cannot justify not acting because you don’t think you can help, and that we as a society are saying it is not acceptable. If one person challenges harassment that would not have done so before seeing that, I’d count it as a success.

  • It’s really targeted at people who want to stay “off the books” or not pay any taxes, so is what it is. If you’re getting paid cash up front then there’s not too much issue for you.

    Technically, you have an employee - employer contact by law automatically, and they legally need to provide you with a letter stating certain terms within x days of the start date. I can’t remember exact details.

    They should also be putting you through payroll, deducting taxes (if needed), and paying employers NI. Someone else mentioned the need to pay you minimum wage by law

    These are all additional costs to them so if you raise it as an issue with them, I’d say they will cut you out and block you. You’re unlikely to get any authority to really care, especially if they keep a low profile for this purpose.

    It might be a good idea to personally tell the tax authority about your earnings (ignoring the employer) and keep track of it. If in a tax year (April to March) you earn less then £5k you won’t pay any NI and less than £12.5k you won’t pay any income tax. It’s quite straightforward to do and if you’re not paying tax then no real cost. However, you could also easily get away with doing nothing, especially if they pay you cash and there’s no real record. Feel free to message me to ask any more questions about tax.

  • It will be funny when they eventually decide the AI bureaucracy is the problem like they are blaming the civil service now. Nothing to do with their disastrous unworkable policies (Rwanda), pandering to the extreme elements of their party (Truss) or their complete ineptitude (pretty much everything else)…

    One good thing that happened in recent years is the digital push and gov.uk websites. I have to say, getting a driving licence, renewing a passport, finding information on lots of topics has massively improved. Carry on with this, not wasting money on untested technology. Of course, that’s silly for me to say. The money will all go to friends of the party with nothing gained.

  • Honestly, I am so glad my parents didn’t move to the USA and moved to the UK instead. Me and my sister had several health issues including asthma, food allergies, broken bones playing sports, and as a result several hospital and doctor visits. Considering my parents were self employed shop keepers, I don’t know if we’d be alive, let alone what sort of life we would have had. Then also having to pay for college would’ve been tricky. Having so few work holidays also completely sucks!

    We are now both professionals with great jobs, paying lots of taxes and volunteer a lot to try to give back. Would that be possible in the USA - I honestly have no idea! Would we move to the USA - absolutely no way! We’d both actually earn lots more money in the USA in the same role but factoring in health and happiness, it’s not worth it.

    When you hear “greatest country on earth” and “the American dream”, I think anybody in Western countries really roll their eyes. It’s not a utopia here in the UK but nobody claims it to be, and stories like this just prove we are better off here.

    However, we know the people themselves are great and don’t deserve this position. We feel sorry for you and wish part of your population would travel and see things for themselves to push for changes back home.

    In the UK, we are terrified that we will end up in the same position as our out of touch political elite and ultra wealthy would love to copy this.

  • It says in the article ‘Lightly trafficked roads or locations that just don’t make socio-economic sense can be excluded from the requirement’ for the comprehensive network.

    It’ll be up to each country how they decide to implement it. In some countries the core roads are managed by a central government agency so they would need to arrange it. In others it is the the local municipalities or privatised. Some countries will offer to private companies. Others will provide it themselves. The governments would be ultimately responsible but Im sure they can manage this given they already have responsibilities about maintaining the roads and rest areas. In the worst case they might have to pay for some infrastructure themselves but can make it back with the charges.