• 12 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2020


  • Eh, not the same map.

    Japan seems to be lower than China. Mexico and Brazil and Argentina are at or above levels of most of Western Europe. China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Chile, Vietnam, Myanmar are at or nearly at levels of western Europe.

    Really only the US, Australia, Spain, Mongolia, Argentina stand out here.

    I’d say more than anything this portrays maybe herding culture historical development as well as relative access in the modern era to grazing lands for animals, feed-stock, etc though probably not a perfect representative of that. Americans are really the stand-out along with Australians who have lots of range and space (stolen) for breeding and raising massive herds to allow massive, cheap consumption. Argentina also has this benefit (and even in the US you’ll see a lot of Argentinian beef).

  • Well they could have done it more gradually and that may have been the better move. Take 3 steps to get to each goal over a number of years with the ability to stop half-way if needed. Instead of outright going for the throat in this maybe just the ban on harmful incentive systems that force players to log in daily or fall behind. That by itself would have had western gamers cheering for the most part as aside from a few deeply in denial addicts most people don’t like being controlled like that.

  • The bottom shows facebook, youtube, instagram, twitter, and a website. There’s no way it’s more than about a decade old and I really doubt it’s more than a few years old. Company named was founded in 2011.

    More importantly, it shows Afghanistan very prominently as being under Taliban rule.

    It must have been made in the past 2 years because the last time that was true was 2001 before any of those social media services existed.

  • I have to admit, with how well this works, and how easily they get worked up, wound up by the propaganda, etc really makes me worry this world doesn’t end with revolution but with the west, backed into a corner shouting a loud self-righteous monologue as it presses the button and lets fly the nuclear weapons, feeling in their own last moments of life before the retaliatory nuclear warheads detonate above them absolute, pure seething hatred and dehumanization towards their victims as well as complete moral certitude that they have a right to extinguish the rest of the world.

  • Which begs the question then of what use is killing the prisoners if it doesn’t stop them and prevents their future use in barter for Palestinians held by Israel.

    One could say showing they mean it but the zionist regime already knows they mean it and don’t care. Casualties are a part of settler operations and programs and they know and accept this and such casualties are used to manufacture consent for further brutality against the victims of the settlers and the organizers of this program know and understand this even if their people do not and would actually want to negotiate in order to save the lives of their fellow settlers (and that’s important, if the regime is seen as having settler blood on their hands it causes discontent and anger at it from other settlers who in the western sense do have an expectation their government goes above and beyond to save them and protect them).

    I do wonder if the Palestinian cause wouldn’t at this point better be served by backing down on the threats of killing hostages and simply letting Israel kill them in bombings and ground operations. There are enough sympathetic voices in the west that I don’t think they could entirely cover it up as being stuff the Palestinians did and it would further tar the zionist regime in parts of the international community.

    Materially speaking, killing the hostages they have might feel good, might even be just, but it won’t advance their cause as much IMO as letting Israel kill them or failing that retaining them alive to barter in future.

    One might object that solidarity with the Palestinian people is impotent, that it doesn’t stop the genocide or get them their land back so far. And fair point. But I guess I’m saying I think there is a value to being seen as morally superior. You can’t ever be seen as clean as revolutionaries using violence by the west but you can be seen as understood by many other countries and peoples without much understanding of the situation, it can in the long-run perhaps make it harder for the zionist occupation of Palestine to gain normal relations with Arab countries, can increase pressure and the threat Israel feels of intervention. And making it so that the Israeli hands are bloodied not just with Palestinian blood but with Jewish settler blood as well does give them a certain position diplomatically. It does give certain countries more room to maneuver and say hey there’s some nuance here.

    I don’t know though. I really don’t. Obviously if Gaza begins to fall things shift very much back in favor of the stated plan. I just hope against hopes the IDF fails badly. I don’t think they’re going to get any help. The US has sent their military there to assure of that and Syria is in no position to do anything, Iran knows Israel already is itching for an excuse to destroy them and honestly could use nuclear weapons to do so with the excuse their existence was being threatened. I just don’t know that anyone can help the people of Gaza. It feels awful watching this.

    Oh and of course solidarity with Palestine! Solidarity with the people of Gaza!

  • Yeah part of me thinks they want all the hostages dead so they can better play up the Palestinians are barbarians who must be eradicated angle domestically and internationally. If they should have to help with that via bombing, being unreasonable, etc, I think the vile government there might consider that a small price to pay to finally get to carry out its genocide to the final stage.

    The more dead white people the more CNN can sob about “monsters”. If you think liberals went crazy over relatively white looking Russians attacking honorary white Ukrainians you haven’t seen anything yet once the media whips people into a frenzy over the evil brown savage hordes massacring the innocent, beautiful whites. They could see a real opportunity here to create a power play where they can steamroll over decades of organizing against Israeli apartheid and in one emotional swoop push repressive laws into place criminalizing and clamping down hard on support of Palestine and basically driving the western consensus to no longer care about it, to label any support of Palestinians as antisemitism.

    I mean you have to look for education at the US and things like operation Northwoods, strategy of tension, gladio, terrorism in Europe post WW2 and realize Israel received their education from these people. Their existing strategy we must remember includes things like inciting hatred of Jews by tying them to zionism to drive more Jews to Israel to increase their own legitimacy. That Jews die as part of that process is not a problem to them.

    They’re already masters at spin, have numerous orgs aside from the bourgeois press set up for manipulation of opinions, spreading out of context photos, etc. So the blowback on them upping the ante by “refusing to give in to demands of terrorists” as they’ll put it will likely be very minimal, the dead hostages will be lionized, their deaths used to justify further atrocities and if any of their families deviate from that line and try to blame the regime in Tel Aviv, well, they’ll be silenced in short order, deplatformed.

    The situation does not look great for an ideal resolution. The Palestinian people at this point just need to resist ferociously enough that the IDF is thrown back and can only engage in air strikes rather than actually succeeding in a ground operation.

  • They wouldn’t dare because they’d receive a long lecture on how electoralism is a game, a distraction created by the bourgeoisie to keep the proletariat from real power and how its one and only possible utility is in raising an explicitly communist, Marxist platform and getting it in the public eye and as there are no such candidates with backing of a vanguard party there is no purpose in participating in such charades on my part.

    I would further point out there is no harm reduction for the evils of America’s empire on the world. Biden escalated the Ukraine conflict into a war, prevented an early surrender and peace agreement, has the blood of thousands including children on his hands as does the whole party of murderous hooligans known as the Democrats.

    I could go on and on with this but the point is to turn the tables on them and demand they account for the vile things the monsters they waste their breath supporting doing. But liberals are hypocrites and people who are explicit in being neo-liberals are fascists with the mask already half-slipped off their face so it’s pointless to debate with them as they’d say all those problems I outlined are good and that such is what you get for resisting the US. The only thing to say to such people is that you will not save them if they are rightfully put up against a wall.