No, don’t touch me there, this is my no no pair
No, don’t touch me there, this is my no no pair
Mmm i’m feeling like some Limp Bizkit personally
Except now they have the banking system to give their money and they don’t need ours anymore, I think it’s well past the point of with our dollar. Just fucking look at Elon Musk he does not give a fuck, Twitter could go down to zero and he would still be the richest man on earth
Discuss discussions, not straight up speculation
I know, right, the fucking balls of Google to fucking say this
God you guys sure like to make assumptions. This place is already shaping up to be like Reddit🤣🤣🤣🤣
I’m fairly certain until you put the money in your bank account and out of your brokerage account. You can do whatever the hell you want, but I also don’t trade like that.
Typical inaccurate American meme, fucking do better. Jesus fucking Christ.
Dude, how do you think they got that money in the first place, bumming everybody out isn’t the move, please delete this post
Or Bobby Droptables To share