If you’re in the car, does the car really count as inside itself?
If you’re in the car, does the car really count as inside itself?
also the sides must be straight
deleted by creator
God I completely forgot we even had that election.
Yes, slack makes private messages available to admins, though it can vary by country laws
Less than half the voters, that’s who
I have fail2ban running on the server itself, also it was a lot more than “a few scripts”
The volume on 22 will be a lot higher than a non default port. With 22 open my router was basically getting DDOS’d at times
They just use auto dialers and try every number, doesn’t matter if your number is actually out there or not
Exacto knife and carefully slice them down?
Huh, just realized that the r-word and “Reddit” have the same number of characters.
Try just doing one thing. One thing you don’t want to. Just a single thing. Set the bar low enough that it isn’t so scary. And if you can get past that try setting it just a little higher.
Using school buses as grid storage is pretty genius, surprised this isn’t more common
Do we have a dataishorrible community?
Phones listening to your conversations and then suggesting products based on them
And then you busted after 15 seconds?