Is it anything like forgefed?
I left Reddit because it’s becoming what Digg became when I left Digg during the second wave.
Misskey backup:
Is it anything like forgefed?
No but now I’m looking into it
Oh snap, we have to decentralize the hub
Why don’t we words of like we do for the guys
No, still the same type they use but the stuff they didn’t use just changed.
I’m in FL, so the alternative voting methods is mostly illegal, and to undo it is unlikely for a little while (20 or 30 years).
I wonder if Snoop Dogg is going to get it?
Again… I might just go back too being a Dem. I tried 3rd party but, this stuff keeps happing. I like the ideals just no was too do it from a third party way for the time being. Gotta change from with in I guess.
That judge has a agenda
I got the files where do I add them?
Other than that: If at work: cargo pants so top 2 pants have nothing normally, back left or right keys, bottom 2 left have phone and right has my wallet (actually a pouch so one pocket actual wallet middle pocket small olight, nail clippers, comb, hand sanitizer wipe, chapstick sometimes a Gerber eab. Other outer pockets on wallet hold zebera M301 and P701, with a highlighter.)
If not at work nextool mini sailor scissors and keys on left with wallet on right. Sometimes I carry a sak tinker instead of the mini sailor or Gerber.
Why can’t we have universal healthcare or a public option?
I was actually thinking about to go through the profile directory and follow interesting people on there. I guess I should wait.
Not much is needed actually: men (people), weapon of some kind, and charisma the rest falls in place.
Has anyone played it yet to give an at the moment review or how it feels?