Reagan is in hell waiting for heaven to trickle down.
Reagan is in hell waiting for heaven to trickle down.
In retrospect, it’s funny to me now that I was feeling afraid and sick to my stomach to the point of shaking and nearly throwing up, and their response was just so relaxed and cool. I asked if they weren’t surprised and the answer was no.
Ugh, same. Can’t bear to think how many people I must have alienated or hurt with such behavior. I suppose there’s nothing to be done about the past, but listen to its lessons to be better, kinder me in the future.
I came out to the one person that matters most, and everything was OK. Like better than OK. What was the point of all that internal torture I put myself through? Finally feel like I can breathe again.
Still think the gods are having a huge laugh at my expense over the timing though.
Your comment made me realize with new clarity how much male relationships are built on a shock factor comedic antics and edgy humor, which include casual homophobia and misogyny, racism or just generally “punching down.”
But also, ick.
Me too female sign emoji hexadecimal, me too.
I can’t see clearly now dysphoria’s gone.
I can clear all obstacles to my peace.
We’re all our worst critics in our own heads.
Wanna see your bright, bright beautiful smile.
The people are all gone, the Langoliers just haven’t shown up yet.
David Attenborough voiceover
“Americans, like the common clownfish and some species of frogs, can change sex. While these other animals do so during times of environmental stress or population imbalance, Americans can do so via a strange, opaque process called, “The Executive Order.” Unlike their aquatic peers who change on an individual basis, the entire population of Americans changes all at once. This behavior is otherwise unknown in the animal kingdom, and it is unclear what evolutionary advantage this offers, if any.”