Without making any judgment one way or another I can see this line on reasoning. Thanks
Without making any judgment one way or another I can see this line on reasoning. Thanks
Thanks, yes generally zero political or hot topics are brought up by me. However this one was thrown in my face randomly by my parent hoping to pick a fight.
Only response was “how is it any different than any other murder ?”
Not in the real hopes we have a conversation but to highlight its not just a black and white topic… And it effectively shut the convo down because this person wasn’t in their echo chamber and those type of people don’t really like a healthy real conversation :)
Hello folks! Thank you for your responses! Sorry for delay I was very overwhelmed by the holidays and didn’t see how many people contributed until now.
Hope you are all doing well and taking the time to read it all now.
I wish you the best of luck! Glad I saw your post again on my feed :)
I applied!
OK thanks folks… I guess I am glad it’s not just me ;)
Just because he didn’t do harm directly he still profited in an industry that does. There is some culpability there. He wasn’t forced to make millions in that particular industry.
I am not saying I am casting my vote on either side of the argument on the shooting, but there was obviously some level of culpability here