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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 2nd, 2024


  • This should be taken with a grain of salt, just as yours and op, but neuroplasticity makes arguments like yours shaky (well well well if this isn’t gonna turn out to be our old friend dialectics). If children just had a special environment, you’d find the physiological countepart. So unless it’s controlled for otherwise, you can’t make a one directional proof out of it

  • Reminds me of one time I discussed egg ethics and the number system in europe with my fellow german student flatmate.

    Our other flatmate was a syrien refugie and when he came in and we translated the subject he laughed - a whole lot. When he was able to speak after that epic laughter he just said “in syria its people in cages and you fight about chicken.”

    Reality had been checked

  • Of course your base argument - capitalist economy is ecolocically destructive and dysfunctional regarding the needs of the many.

    “Until there is noone left to fulfill their orders” thats the kind of “justice” i’m talking about. Like, Homoestasis will put them down in the end. Justice will be served. But that’s deceptive satisfaction.

  • kwomp2@sh.itjust.workstoMemes@lemmy.mlWe chose... poorly
    1 month ago

    Don’t go down the “natural balance” kind of revenge fantasy. It only makes one comfy in passivist boundedness. Also the guy in the picture is far more likely do do just fine in a climate catastrophy than you. Gaia nature god lady won’t bring you any justice, at all.

  • Okay I see we have radically different understandings of how political power dynamics work and what “free will” and “democratic societies” are. This difference is probably most condensed in the concept of subjectivity, which I tried to open up for investigation with the bunch of questions in my earlier comment.

    I think we can’t solve this here and now, so I’m gonna leave it at what I think is central.

    Individual political agency is always conditioned by ideological and praxeologically powerful structures.

    In russia they are easy to see (you get killed). In “the west” they are more more subtle (people contrafactually imagine beeing independent subjects whereas they grow into disciplined subjectivity).

    In both, the vast majority does not have the needed understanding of their political environment and themselfes in it, or the power to substabtially change it. The latter depend on the former and is out of reach, as long as subjectivity is imagined as individual, as they did in those ugly comments above.

    I wanna emphasize I respect this conversation, you and our difference but its just too much conceptual material to handle here. I hope it doesnt appear arrogant to name the authors that seem to me the most cebtral to these concepts: they would be Foucault and Gramsci, in case you are motivated to get into it, wich I would freakin double tip my fedora for

  • Everybody carries responsibility. Possibillity is a complex issue that depends on collective action.

    If you go about “enforcing political change” in russia right now, you get jailed or “windowed”, as many recent examples showed.

    This does not make responsibility disappear, but it immensly changes the gauge for judging individual fault.

    Also I see a massive double standard here. Because almost no matter where you live (I guess it’s somewhere in the “global north”, one of the centers of economic-political power), if you are not actively organizing resistance against the neoliberal program that is hegemonial and widely enforced, you are responsible for the massive poverty in and outside of your country and the geopolitical intability that is closely and causaly connected to said program.

    The dehuminization of “let those fuckers be depressed because their lives are destroyed by oppressive politics” shoul consequently also be aplied to all the anxious, stressed and depressed people in the “first world countries”.

    Or, how about we don’t dehumanize anyone…