They can kill the penguin but they can’t kill the idea
They can kill the penguin but they can’t kill the idea
Just for some context:
Watch your l*nguage, my dear
Still even people new to writing have a good intuition about that but formalizing this intuition is a different story
But I’m allergic to almonds and gluten intolerant!
No Klein bottle? Not even a small one?
Please, it’s w*rd, we want to keep this f*mily friendly
Who’s there?
I once heard that monkeys will just go to the typewriter, tipe the same letter a few times and leave. Doesn’t sound like Shakespeare to me
When you put the screen on the wrong side…
From my understanding, old Latin had the sound /w/ and it later shifted to /v/ while keeping the letter, hence early loan words have “w” like “wine” and later ones have “v” like “vernacular”.
And you are right that the letter was used for the vowel /u/ too, how did I forget about that. So “vv” would be /vu/ (~voo). But I think Latin never had both /w/ and /v/ sound at the same time.
Totally a red flag for me
Mixing minuscules and majuscule is relatively recent and “vv” for the sound /w/ is a Germanic thing, Romans didn’t use “vv” in any context to my knowledge.
That said, I totally like it as a meme! Just wanted to use the opportunity to throw random facts into the internet.
Who’s that?