… presenting as a trans guy helped me feel better about myself
I identify as a woman who wants a penis. I think I’m moreso attracted to the idea of having male parts than actually seeing myself as a guy,
It kinda sounds like a bit of dysphoria honestly, unless you just said those things because of guilt. As far as I understand things, wanting to have genitals that typically match the opposite sex usually points to some form of body dysmorphia/euphoria even though you say your current body is fine.
Also, I don’t know why the shame from people you’re around. It sounds like you’re still figuring yourself out and picking a label that is the closest to what you feel like is only something that you can know. Maybe it’s not the most accurate but it’s not entirely off base.
It sounds like you’re at the very least kinda queer and non-heteronomative. Maybe non-binary but that’s for you to figure out. Something under the Trans umbrella sounds right to me.
The more the better!