• 15 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2023


  • If melee pseudos can: benefit from Influence and have reworked status chance numbers that can actually benefit from it, I think Khora is going to be an even funnier nuker. Being able to group enemies and turn them into a quadratic scaling nuke is a hilarious proposition!

    I don’t play Khora because mashing my 1 key makes my finger sore. I hope the coming patch adds an accessibility option to make it that hold casting pseudos just spams them.

    I need to try a Damage Decoy build on her, because I think with Decoy she could potentially be one of the strongest generalist frames in the game.

  • I need to lab it more in depth, but attack speed causes you to rapidly cover the coptering distance, even though extremely heavy drag is applied to you unless you do the fake-slide bug (turns out it’s not just Nezha who can do it).

    I think it’s actually a legit movement tech, since coptering from your gun will activate the Synth Reflex condition and give you a turbo bullet jump out of your copter. At least for frames that don’t really need to run knockdown exilus mods.

  • Who’s the best melee frame? Valkyr? Ash? Nezha? Maybe even Caliban?

    No way, it’s old mate Rhino, whose buggy Arcane interactions should by rights be the thing of legend. Broken buggy multidip scaling on Affliction and Influence turn him into the murder frame of murder frames.

    Like most of the old guard, he has simple mechanics and flexible modding and helminth, leading to endless experimentation if the frame clicks with you. And like all of my favourite frames, he has a neat mobility gimmick in Rhino Charge.

    My three builds are:

    • Pillage/Empowered Blades, replacing Stomp
    • Damage Decoy, replacing Rhino Charge
    • Helminthless, built for parkour

    I recommend investing in casting speed on Rhino, as it’s probably his worst property. Otherwise he’s an excellent candidate for the more obscure shards like primary electric, or what I did with parkour speed.

    I highly recommend checking out Amolistic.'s youtube channel, since he’s the wise master sage Rhino lifer.

  • Lavos is in a weird position, like the other armour tanks, of being unbreakable through to the end of EDA content, and then being impossibly squishy beyond it. He’s the last frame who can’t do long Circuit runs, now that Inaros has been fixed. Unlike the other armour tanks, he has to make difficult decisions about his helminth due to having to sacrifice one of his elements, and his survival helminth of choice is inherently restricted by his cooldown system…

    I really hope Pablo reviews his survival tools. It feels unfair to Lavos that he’s the odd frame out who doesn’t have infinite survivability scaling.

    Oh and while I’m airing my grievances about things only one in a thousand Tenno will ever encounter or care about, Valence Formation has an annoying oversight bug where you can force Electric onto finishers, but the damage transferred through Influence is pitiful. Gunblade finishers will only transfer a single hit of damage! Bleh!!! And the force procs don’t apply to death explosions from Combustion Beam, Vulkan Blitz, etc; and yet Xata and Toxin Lash do apply? BLEHHHHH!!!

    Okay rant over.

    Lavos is a fantastic new player frame, with easy access to elements, high survivability, and absolutely monstrous damage, especially when combining his signature Cedo with his ultimate ability. Vial Rush is an okay CC ability, and a great mobility ability. More advanced players can start to abuse Valence Formation setups to bring their arsenals to new heights or do tricky Arcane setups for various weapons.

    Despite my complaints about extremely niche weaknesses with the frame, Lavos is very powerful and flexible, and I think the next three years of his Prime being available are going to bring in a new generation of Lavos Enjoyers.

  • Pseudo-exalteds are abilities that draw from their associated weapon slot’s mods, for example Whipclaw and Landslide are melee attacks, so they draw from equipped melee mods. They’re called “pseudo”-exalteds for historical reasons: exalted weapons used to draw from their associated weapon slot’s mods, rather than being modded individually.

    This is a balance pass to make pseudo-exalted abilities function in line with true exalted weapons, and normalise the power curve between incarnonless and incarnon inheritance, pseudos, and true exalteds. The system should be more consistent and cause less psychic damage for people directly perceiving it.

  • Hopefully there’s a balance pass or at least some new pseudo-exalted mods to make up for lost incarnon inheritance, something like final status chance. Pseudos having really bad stats is a huge drag on them.

    Buuuut, exalted arcanes is huge. I was finding exalted melees were a straight liability on Survival due to the KPM hit. Influence Whipclaw is gonna slap too. They just need to make a hold-to-spam accessibility function and I might actually play Atlas and Khora again!

  • Linking my Trinity build thread again: https://dormi.zone/post/3820647

    Trinity is in a weird place. She was the OG sub-tank and support, but I see her role shifting more over time to three areas: low level challenge content (especially sorties), gun buffs, and shield management.

    I kind of wish she could use Vampire Leech to put shields on defense objectives. I still feel slightly delirious that it’s Mag and Mag alone who can Overshield Mirror Defense objects…

    Trinity was an early favourite frame when I was new to the game, as for new players she provides very easy energy economy, object defense, excellent survivability, and status immunity. She’s lapsed a bit in that role, being now stuck behind one of the two token-walled Assassinations currently in the game, and all the way in Pluto, close to the end of the Star Chart.

    As an older frame, Trinity also has excellent Helminth flexibility for a variety of roles and mission types. The aforementioned traits also give you a lot of leeway to try fairly extreme builds, or alternatively a safety net to splash out into new playstyles.

    Trinity’s unique support contribution is shield management, although with Dante essentially godmoding the squad as long as each player can continue to get assists, this is a lot less valuable nowadays. In the build thread I linked, I abuse this to keep Empowered Blades rolling for truly excessive AoE nuking through Melee Influence. 75% DR is nothing to sneeze at either, being equivalent to placing an Eclipse on the whole party. This bumps shields to a respectable 87.5% DR, enough for non-scaling content, even EDA. This can also extend the effectiveness of other frames’ shield support, such as Hildryn’s Haven and Protea’s shield grenades.

    Finally, as a tl;dr on that thread I linked, Trinity is quite surprisingly equipped as a murder machine. The rework improving her animation lock syndrome, and the buff to the base number of Links means she is very fast and fluid, and has a very high KPM potential (with Abating Link). Energy Vampire being a built in energy management tool means she can run aggressively high power strength builds very comfortably.

    “Trinity is a DPS frame” makes me feel like I’m in a fever dream though. I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to that.

  • Sancti Magistar for turning every frame into a nuke frame, and Sibear for a variety of reasons, lol. Honourable mentions to the Praedos and Furax. Praedos for being my default “I wanna go fast” pick, although I’ve started actively building mobility onto my frames. Furax is for exalted pistol users and Yareli, and just numerically being one of the strongest incarnon melees. I guess that’s my top 5, actually!

  • When I was very very new in 2015 I think I got hard walled on Mars because I wasn’t modding at all, and I couldn’t figure out why I was constantly dying and couldn’t kill any enemies. I understood that mods made my guns better, but I didn’t understand it was like a jump of 4x power or higher. Later on when I had a formaed and potatoed Atomos I felt like a god (I was playing Ivara so I was, in fact).

    Nowadays, it’s more like mechanical misunderstandings:

    • Sevagoth: for the longest time, I thought Reap applied damage vulnerability, as opposed to Sow.
    • Zephyr: I thought flight speed on Tail Wind scaled off range, or strength, or… . It’s actually duration. I have >300 hours on this frame.
    • Gauss: Mach Rush scales speed off Strength, right? Sadly no. It’s purely off sprint speed, but with a heavy multiplier. Titania scales her move speed off strength.