I just started my DS9 rewatch today, having just completed Voyager, Enterprise and SNW in my “COVID then RSV then ENT infection” couch-misery marathon. I saw the Q episode with Vash just hours ago - loved O’Brien’s reaction when he recognized Q.
I think they developed Voyager and DS9 to be two halves of the Star Trek whole. Voyager was flung so far that almost every species was new, so right from the start it highlighted the awkward first handshakes the Federation had to endure. DS9 included (mostly) known species and highlighted the increasingly awkward second handshakes, and third, and on and on: the real work of diplomacy beyond first contact. It’s a political drama, The West Wing in space. Q has no patience for such intricacies, though that is what he often says he values so much in humanity.
I started making vegan pizzas this way. Deconstruct the red sauce too and just use sliced tomatoes, spices and olive oil as the base, then fresh veggies on top. It’s like bruschetta pizza.
If you want to go no-cheese and are missing a little umami flavor, like the savory you’d get from Parmesan, sprinkle on nutritional yeast. If you are missing the creamy flavor of mozzarella, cashew paste in little pearls all over the pie works