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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Not from bris but been seeing a psychologist for a while. It may be hard for people to recommed since the way I’ve found it is that I had to see a few before I found one that “clicked” for me.

    Have you got a family doctor? They might have a recommendation and they can get you a mental health care plan which will pay for some of your psych appointment for like 10 visits (any doctor can give you the plan afaik).

  • While its true that there are open-access journals and conferences without such costs

    To publish open access normally costs upwards of $3k USD as well. There’s practically no point in the publishing chain where academics aren’t getting screwed.

    Let’s also not forget that you have to review other people’s papers for the journal for free.

  • The rate of false accusations of rape is really hard to determine but is generally regarded as being pretty low (Vicpol puts it at ~5% based on studies). It’s also extremely hard to get a good number though, since false does not mean unfounded.

    I don’t think it’s justified drawing an equivalence between rape and rape accusations given the evidence we have on the rates, it makes it seem like false accusations are happening way more than they actually are.

    Also given who this probably is, this is likely not the only accusation of rape also, which decreases the likelihood the accusations are false I would suggest.

  • The government could do many things, but it’s not the question being asked by the constitutional amendment. It’s not hard to find the design principles for the voice, something I suspect people wouldn’t read even if this wasn’t going to referendum.

    Wanting to see something for two years first is kind of an excuse to never do anything. It’s also not really a good argument for voting no, because the idea is that the “shape” of the voice can be changed if it isn’t working. What people are voting on is the concept.

    I dunno what else to tell you, that’s the proposal and that’s where we are. If people are voting no because lack of details there’s not much to do to convince them. The government is hardly going to release more details now.