I don’t, the current events made me send recurring donations for ProPublica and NPR. I also plan to subscribe to a local newspaper that still looks like it has an integrity.
They voted because of “woke” and immigrants. A guy on social media told them those are the real problems we face.
I can’t believe how little we are acknowledging that social media is currently being used to manipulate voters not just in US but also in Europe. Why people think that what happened in Romania didn’t also happen in US? And is not happening in other European countries?
I don’t think he cares as much about the tariffs, but I am quite sure tariffs on Mexico and Canada were Elonia’s idea
I wouldn’t say fixed as things are the same way as they are, but reminded us how every day we are fucked by oligarchs.
This is a weird time as we just elected them, just look how many billionaires are in trump’s cabinet picks.
When I say fake I mean it could be CG or someone flying and filming their own drone.
They are obeying in advance. Looks like we are in Germany circa 1933.
To me it looks someone made fake video on social media, others joined and made other fakes, many states looking at the sky and also recorded planes thinking they are drones.
It looks like the whole event only exists on the social media.
That’s cool, I didn’t know him before, but looks like he has some extensive knowledge about audio or someone behind scenes is working with him.
The speakers he builds seem cool, but unless one has extensive audio knowledge at best can just replicate the same thing (assuming they can find all the parts used)
… and now we are getting to the point, why Russia is hated universally by its neighbors. So many of the same stories and you can’t tell which one I’m talking about.
To the West WW2 ended in 1945, the countries “freed” by Russia had to wait another 45 years until 1990 when USSR collapsed to become free.
His lawyer apparently is saying that he won’t be accepting outside money, so probably all donations are scams.
This one says:
All proceeds will be sent directly to Luigi or, if he chooses to reject the funds, they will instead be donated to legal funds for other U.S political prisoners and defendants facing politicized charges.
So if Luigi will reject it, then who are the political prisoners that will get it?
Is this legitimate? Often there are people who are using a popular event to get rich quick.
What is happening though is that US news is not presenting the news in an unbiased way.
Yeah, after reading his books I now scheduled recurring donations for ProPublica, NPR and also an subscribed to a local news paper that still does some real journalism.
Complying in advance is how we get fascist government.
That is the first lesson in “On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons From the 20th Century” by Prof. Snyder
This is sign that our media completely capitulated and won’t even try to fight to preserve our democracy.
My country was “freed” by Russia, and let just say we would prefer they would leave us with Nazi Germany.
And for those with bad memory there’s also Ukraine, Georgia, Chechenya.
Toslink is a bad example for your point. It is the same S/PDIF digital signal that is sent over fiber and it isn’t even using laser but a standard diode, so won’t even work long distance (shorter than if you would use the normal RCA cable with S/PDIF).
The most ridiculous thing I saw was the gold plated toslink cable.
Because it is propaganda piece. All what happened is that the Syrians managed to get out the most oppressive knives (Russian and Iran).
The paper linking vaccines with autism was also retracted, and that didn’t stop them.