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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I’m a big fan of slant razors for my tree-trunk whiskers. The heads of these razors have a slight twist along the run, so the blade meets your skin at an angle, and helps to slice the hair a bit, rather than just chopping straight on. My slant razor actually feels quite a lot less aggressive than my old adjustable at max setting, but cuts closer.

    Also, what brand blade are you using?

  • My favorite character I ever played was a super shady rogue who, as it was revealed halfway through the campaign, was the estranged son of a very wealthy and powerful politician. He was very embarrassed to have to reveal this to the party, as he had carefully curated an image of himself as a self-made scallywag.

    Turns out cleptomania isn’t just for the working class, although PR is definitely for the ruling class.