• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Demeter is up there.

    Her baby father (Zeus), aka the big douchebag, married away her daughter Persephone to his brother Hades. Patriarchy does what patriarchy does. The brothers were aware neither Persephone nor Demeter would approve of the deal so Hades had to kidnap Persephone and force the deal upon her.

    So Persephone were abducted and her mother were beyond herself with worry about her absence. Once Demeter learnt about the deal she threw the hissy fit that all hissy fits are measured against. Plants stopped growing, livestock stopped giving birth and the world soon was in a cataclysmic state. Behold a mother’s justified wrath and tremble.

    Douchebag-in-chief was forced to negotiate but wouldn’t anull the whole deal. Only that Persephone would spend half her time with her mother (spring, summer) and the other half with the husband forced upon her (autumn, winter).

  • I’ve got a new camping hammock that I want to go out and try out. With a bit of rain during the week the fire danger will drop because a little coze fire is awesome. Not sure how much it will drop but at least it will drop enough for the camping stove. I need my fresh coffee damn you.

    And yes we have had a fire ban since last week. Probably lifted now after a good rainy day.

  • I spent thirteen years growing bonsai, fifteen pining over Loravindrel. That brought me into my eight year long emo-goth period which produced poetry I’ve since fed to the flames. For sixteen seasons after that I meditaed under a plum tree and swept the eight hundred and seventy two dozen and five stars. Six years I practiced the letter œ to master the uhm. Fifty seven years I spent in the arms of Madeleine and our oldest grandchild is about your age. And the last three seasons I’ve been chasing the south-western gale that robbed her from me decades too early.

  • Imma fight y’all.

    No milk. Use fil (sour milk), yoghurt or something similar. Put cereal on top, no mixing. The cereal touching the “liquid” get soggy while the rest stays crisp giving the best texture heterogeneity. Berries are awesome, frozen a super convenient alternative. If using frozen mix these with dairy before adding cereal.

    Your fermented dairy of choice brings a nice crispy and fresh acidity to the meal. And if it (still) have an active bacterial culture it is super good for your gut.

    Muesli is best cereal.

    Honey only approved sweetener.

  • Looks awesome. Were confused why you added lemon but after further reading, and rereading, I understood. My tip for keeping a rye starter alive is to keep in in the fridge. Take it out a day before use, feed it 12h before use, use it and put in pack in the fridge after a final feeding. I’ve “forgotten” starters for well over a month in there with no harm to them. As a bonus there is much less discard.

    That said I bake something similar as my staple, apart from the dairy. Sometimes I use whey leftovers from cheesemaking but most of the time just plain water. I get dough, with whatever additives (nuts, seeds, whole grain), into a desired consistency. Let it rest and then bake.

    The idea and methodology behind these northern breads almost makes them foolproof.

  • Just straight up not being too serious about themselves while still being serious in the act I would recommend Alestorm, Brothers of Metal and Nanowar of Steel. The last one describes thenselves as Humor Metal. Very skilled musicians doing metal of various mainstream genres. Like Norwegian Reggaeton, heavy metal reggaeton about norwegian black metal.

    If you go into power metal I can also recommend Gloryhammer (fantasy in space by the frontman from Alestorm), Grailknights (early 90’s action figures, check out Pumping Iron Power for a great workout track) ang Wind Rose (dwarf metal with a great cover of Diggy Diggy Hole and just released Rock and Stone). Power Metal in general is just filled with thematic bands. Final recommendation would be Power Wolf (gothic symphonic metal, “catholic werewolves”).

  • You want to open a can of awesomeness? Well you got it. This is by no means an exhaustive list nor any that covers the whole spectrum. Some bands are serious others much more lighthearted. Generally all of these have strong folk metal influences drawing inspiration from the middle ages (fall of Rome to fall of Constantinople). Go wild. If I were to do a “top five tracks” from a few bands I would choose Cruachan, Heidevolk, Månegarm and Skálmöld

    Cruachan - irish/celtic

    Eluveitie - celtic gaul

    Feuerschwanz - german “high medieval”

    Equilibrium - german

    Heidevolk - dutch

    Norse/Viking (here I just dump a bunch) - Amon Amath, Brothers of Metal, Ensiferum, Månegarm, Skálmöld, Tyr

    Alestorm - PIRATES, a humorous bonus for the funzies