I monitor/log it with a smart plug, or UPS.
At my home I have a shelly plug s Which is just a wallplug insert. That monitors consumption and can give it to you via MQTT, I port it to home assistant and monitor it. Usually my small HP mini node with a couple switches and Router is about 80w.
At my parrents I have a Shelly 1PM Plus, which is integrated in the path to the UPS. It monitores everything like the PoE Switch APs, Server etc as everything is connected to it thats IT. Its about 4.5kwh/day so about 220-240W. That gets also monitored via Home Assistant and MQTT. and 4.5khw/d are bout 2.5USD/day for me. So about 920USD/Year.
So Defo more expensive than a VPS would be. But also more custom and more of an Experience to gather.
SAS is not networking. If you expect to connect 2 systems to another it wont work.
If its just for disks then yes.