Having worked for nearly two decades in a functional language now, that’s precisely how I feel about the imperative style.
Having worked for nearly two decades in a functional language now, that’s precisely how I feel about the imperative style.
you keep on believing that, it’s adorable
Adorable you think that your whole life isn’t surveiled in the west. Meanwhile, vast majority of people in China aren’t working 9 to 9, and in fact are happy as pretty much every survey on China shows. Maybe spent some time actually learning about China instead of making a clown of yourself in public?
Once again you honor us with a reductive argument based on a soundbite you heard and didn’t spend any time actually thinking about. The reality is that wealth beyond a certain point stops making people happy https://penntoday.upenn.edu/news/does-more-money-correlate-greater-happiness-Penn-Princeton-research
Also, everything is not built on exploitation. Only an utter ignoramus brainwashed by capitalism would believe that.
lol sure kiddo https://www.businessinsider.com/typical-chinese-adult-now-richer-than-europeans-wealth-report-finds-2022-9
Not only are you wrong, but you also omit the important fact that the standard of living in Europe is built on brutal exploitation of the people in the Global South being the clown that you are.
All countries have different cultures, history, material conditions, and forms of governance that result from that. Westerners portraying their system as the sole legitimate form of governance amounts to nothing more than modern-day marketing for colonialism, serving as a pretext for Western invasions and global atrocities masquerading as benevolent civilizing missions. The fact that you think that the regime you live under is somehow special shows a profound lack of cognitive development on your part.
talking to children whose brains haven’t fully developed yet can be exhausting
Mao pointing out the depravity of the Yankeestan and willingness to use nuclear weapons against other nations isn’t the own that you seem to think it is. By the way, I love how you follow me around like a court jester. It’s adorable.
a relevant passage from This Soviet World by Anna Louise Strong
ah I see we’re dealing with sophisticated and nuanced racism here
A better question is why it’s so easy for you to believe such nonsense.
Except countries that have existing socialism aren’t doing that. In fact, China very openly says that their system is a product of their history, culture, and material conditions. Unlike western libs, they’re not trying to franchise and remodel other countries into their own image. Neither does Cuba or Vietnam last I checked.
If your view on Ukraine aligns with that of the state department then you’re an ignoramus. Meanwhile, are you suggesting that Ukraine is the bastion of LGBT rights? 🤡