"Along with the very real and violent war on the ground – there is also a fierce information war. Like Tuesday’s explosion at the Gaza hospital which Hamas says killed hundreds of people.

Israel says it was a misfired Islamic Jihad rocket, which they deny. Hamas says it was an Israeli airstrike, which they deny.

But tonight Forensic Architecture, Earshot and the Ramallah based NGO Al Haq have shared new information with Channel 4 News they say casts doubt on some aspects of Israel’s account."

The evidence is presented in the video

  • @jetA
    19 months ago

    This question is disingenuous. It’s just like an abusive boyfriend saying “why do you keep making me hit you?”

    • jungle
      19 months ago

      Sure, but terrorism and war is not like domestic violence. That analogy is disingenuous.

      • @jetA
        19 months ago

        Fair enough let’s agree to disagree. The current situation is just a pressure cooker I think we both agree on that.