I found a flight that has a connection in Japan that’s cheaper than a direct flight to Japan. Is it legal to take that cheaper flight and leave the airport at the layover location as our final destination? Will they prevent us from taking the return flight?

  • @mypasswordistaco@iusearchlinux.fyi
    8 months ago

    I remember looking this up some time ago, and I read that doing so may violate the terms you agreed to when purchasing the ticket. They will probably fine you, or at least attempt to, if you don’t pull it off.

    • @jetA
      48 months ago

      Fine you? Can you point to any airline that fines you for missing a flight? I’m genuinely curious.

      People miss flights all the time, and usually the worst that happens is they lose their ticket. Or they get rebooked at lower priority. But an external fine? That’s going to be unique

      • @Rokk@feddit.uk
        58 months ago

        Yea, even with connecting flights I’m sure people miss the connection for various reasons with reasonable regularity