Never trust the corporations excuses.

PS: I wasn’t sure if this was a good fit for this community, but I couldn’t think of another. Any suggestions?

    878 months ago

    Our city’s most profitable Rotten Ronny’s closed down with the public excuse that it’s not profitable.

    This location was in the heart of downtown, directly across the street from a University with a daily population of about 30,000

    The location was so busy they had two kitchens - one upstairs and one in the basement where they fed orders up on a conveyor system.

    If you made the mistake of going there from 11am-1pm you were going to wait a minimum of 10 minutes just to get into the door (pre app days), another 10 in line, and 10 more for your order.

    The real problem was that they were unionizing. Uh oh!! A new Rotten Ron’s was opened next door 18 months later. Weird how they’d open again in such an unprofitable location!!!

    • Punkie
      78 months ago

      You’re probably right, however, you can also be not profitable because of shitty business decisions, ineffective management, embezzlement, and inventory waste. It could have been the two kitchens and various levies and taxes in that location. If they had lines, it also means they had a finite cap of serving customers per hour, and if cost or any other of the things I mentioned could still outweigh what they made per night.

      The unionization could have been a scapegoat, when they secretly declared bankruptcy, sold the assets and name to another owner, and reformed in a second location. That happens in nightclubs a lot in popular districts.

        78 months ago

        What is with the zeal to step up and find some scenario you think might apply here? Is this some kind of tacit effort to excuse what they did?

        You can read right in my comment that a union was forming and magically the most profitable location in our city closed under the public guise of not being profitable. And then opening up as soon as the wind blew over, right next door to the original?

        I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt that you’re not trolling and you’re just trying to have a lively discussion, but it couldn’t be more inappropriate for the situation.

        • NιƙƙιDιɱҽʂ
          28 months ago

          There’s nothing wrong with looking at a situation with nuance and exploring different potential causes… I agree, your take is likely the correct one, but why shut down discussion entirely?

            8 months ago

            Class war. Your attempts at discussion are exactly what the other side relies on. Show some solidarity and acknowledge the fact that organized labor is a threat to profits because profits are stolen labor.

            • @jetA
              8 months ago

              Don’t think about it, trust me. Words to live by.

              Why not welcome open debate? And then make your points rationally known, clearly you have an answer to the multi-factor analysis. Unionization is important it should happen, it should happen across multiple stores at the same time, to prevent shutting down a single location.

            28 months ago

            Frankly it’s just sea lioning. There’s no good faith discussion happening here just excuses to try to explain away heinous behavior by a corporation to undermine workers rights.