From what I can gather this conflict as been going on a long time and the Hamas group has existed for a while too. Why are all the news cycles suddenly focusing on this the past few weeks?

    368 months ago

    OP has a point. There are other conflicts that have high body counts that don’t drive front page stories. Yemen. The stuff going on in Myanmar. Uyghurs. Even the migrant crisis in the Mediterranean.

    You’re right that this is a significant conflict, but our news industry doesn’t assign column inches to body count.

    • @jetA
      8 months ago

      Not the volume of deaths, but the continuousness of deaths.

      Everyday another ~300 people die on average.

      Not to mention media availability, because it’s basically a prison having rockets thrown at it, media can get really good information. They’re not really in a war zone. It’s a one-sided killing field more or less. So great reporting conditions great visuals. Conflicts really concentrated. Just put the cameras right there. You’ll capture most of it.

      If it bleeds it leads.