This is an EFF project that allows you to understand how easy it is to identify and track your browser based on how it appears to websites. Anonymous data will be collected through this site.

  • @jetA
    356 months ago

    The EFF site is great, it tells you how many bits of information are identifiable.

    If you think you have good protection, go to and see if they can track you across multiple visits. This is a commercial fingerprinting company, on their homepage they have a tracking widget to demonstrate how good they are. So it’s always useful to use to get an empirical test of if you’re trackable.

      6 months ago

      Visited on my mobile this morning while commuting and no VPN and it geo located me 1000 miles away.

      Visited again connected to a WiFi network and it got me right. Fun stuff

      • @jetA
        26 months ago

        Did it track you on a second visit?

          26 months ago

          Yep, it’s got both visits recorded. Idk why my ip on mobile networks was geolocated so far away.

          • @jetA
            66 months ago

            Thats pretty common for cellular data. Your IP is based on the exit of the mobile network, not the tower you connect with, but the data center of your provider. Which could be thousand of miles away

        36 months ago

        7 visits with brave, 7 times identified as the same. I’m using the default options of a fresh brave install

        how did you have such success?

          -36 months ago

          Not sure honestly, I’m always behind a VPN, which I was changing servers, as if it were actually able to fingerprint me that wouldn’t have mattered so I didn’t want a false positive from making it too easy, I do run GrapheneOS so not sure if the OS is either not sending or randomizing OS info on top of that, that it would normally get. Been a while but the only thing I changed from default in Brave was changing fingerprinting to strict. For the sites I visit its still fine 95% of the time so I leave it that way. I’ve read from others and their browsing habits it breaks a ton of sites. So e YMMV there.