Is this a rhetorical question? 😂

  • @jetA
    7 months ago

    Not being snarky, if they created an open source federated protocol with a foundation to hold the patents to guarantee their freedom. I would definitely move on to a Google designed, Google engineered, Google ran, end-to-end encrypted third-party verified federated platform. They can actually be good engineers when they want to be.

    Any platform where Google is in sole control, and where they could get bored and turn the service off, I will never use.

    Somebody will get promoted for making a new platform, somebody will get promoted for having change at global scale, and then nobody will touch it ever again to innovate or fix anything ever. Because it won’t get them there next level promotion, iterating is not global scale change. As an organization they’ll abandon it, when the user numbers get low enough they’ll kill it. 2 to 5 years. So the platform absolutely must be decentralized and federated