The message should be for the US to stop sending money to Israel. Israel isn’t going to stop this shit in the name of “peace”. The best any US citizen can do is constantly berate the US for sending money to Israel. Biden needs to know he’ll lose to the orange man in November if he doesn’t take note. When you protest you need a clear demand, and the US could definitely stop sending money to Israel.

    • Admiral Patrick
      32 months ago

      Didn’t say I liked it, but it’s what we got. Holding the country hostage by refusing to vote for the clearly better candidate is not going to make things any better and has every chance of making things much, much worse.

      • @3volver@lemmy.worldOP
        12 months ago

        I agree Biden is the clearly better candidate, I just don’t have faith that the average person will vote if discontent continues to rise. I’m not the one who’s out protesting, but the US needs to stop sending money to Israel.

      • @jetA
        02 months ago

        If the two major options at voting time are both going to do an evil. The only message you can effectively send is voting out the one actively doing the evil.

        I’m not going to vote the orange guy in, but I’m going to vote the genocide supporter out.

    • @jetA
      12 months ago

      Winner takes all, first pass the post are the bad voting systems.

      Plurality voting, instant runoff, ranked choice, are the solutions

      • @3volver@lemmy.worldOP
        12 months ago

        I’m not sure you meant to include plurality voting, that’s what we have right now. Ranked choice I agree with. STAR voting is the best though. I’d vote yes to use either though.

        • @jetA
          22 months ago

          Oh you’re right. Good point. I was totally wrong on the use of that word