• @jetA
      2 months ago

      If they wanted to make PlayStation networks 100% hard requirement for the game, that should have been there on day one. The enforcement should have been there. Even if the API servers were having issues the enforcement should have been there.

      The software’s behavior is the social contract with the user. If steam says a PlayStation network account is required, and you load the game and it’s only needed for cross play or it’s optional. That is the defacto contract. And that has existed for about 4 months.

      It’s entirely possible to buy the game, without seeing the PlayStation button. If you just click buy now, or get it from your wish list or whatever, you’re not presented with anything indicating PlayStation is required. So the common use case for a steam user, is to run the game, oh it needs this network That’s not cool refund. This program has broken that pattern.

      So yes it is entirely the developers fault, if this is a hard requirement it should always be hard requirement, not after 4 months. That is changing the lived gamer experience.

      • @homicidalrobot@lemm.ee
        02 months ago

        It was. PSN linking was available day one, and they disabled it temporarily when the traffic was too much for the auth server to handle. Not reading doesn’t mean the requirement wasn’t communicated to you.

        • @jetA
          32 months ago

          100% it wasn’t communicated to users as the experience did not require it. For 3 months.

          This is a policy CHANGE. Hence the need for an announcement

          • @homicidalrobot@lemm.ee
            22 months ago

            Quite literally was talked about in patch notes and mentioned on the storefront pages where it was available.

            • @jetA
              -12 months ago

              If it wasn’t a change, why the need for an announcement?

              • @homicidalrobot@lemm.ee
                32 months ago

                The service was decoupled when auth servers couldn’t handle traffic the first few days. A good number of people, myself and my static included, DID already link PSN accounts. Mine is registered from the bahamas. I do not live in the bahamas.