• @Juno@beehaw.org
    -323 days ago

    I just think it’s funny that you are using your own time complaining about shit which can easily be avoided. No hard feelings.

    • @jetA
      623 days ago

      Meh, it’s content and engagement for Lemmy.

      If you find joy by coming to our community and saying stop liking what I don’t like, fair enough. We find joy in saying you don’t have to be here if you don’t like it

      And Lemmy looks more active.

        • @jetA
          223 days ago

          Oh no! You still annoy me. You’re just trying to make people upset. So I don’t like you, I just appreciate you

          • @Juno@beehaw.org
            223 days ago

            For the record, I find this conversation much more entertaining than the factory tour. 🏭

            • @jetA
              123 days ago

              It’s content. So I’ll engage with you. But I think perhaps your life is too negative if this is what you value

              • @Juno@beehaw.org
                223 days ago

                You’re not really in a position to say what my life is or isn’t. And I don’t even agree on the positivity or negativity angle You’re approaching this from or framing it in.

                There’s no “positive” or “negative” I assign to having regular conversation, and that’s all this is to me. Just talking. I like talking, if that’s positive then so be it.

                You’re the one kicking up a fuss about me having my own opinion. I explained elsewhere in this post why I don’t like Linus and his company. Why am I being asked to justify my own opinion to you?

                You’re tossing around some big assumption/ accusations about my life. What type of person goes around to random strangers telling them they’re too negative just because they don’t like this or that? You. That’s what you do.

                Linus and his company are dishonest. I disapprove of that. I’m quite comfortable saying it and don’t feel any “negativity” in doing so.

                How do you feel? Does it make you feel good to go around and try to shame others who, as far as you know, haven’t done wrong? Is it wrong to not care for or dislike dishonest people/companies?

                I don’t like Chick-fil-A and when friends suggest it as an option “I really don’t like they’re politics and how they promote anti LGBTQ rhetoric” = I’m a negative person? ? ?

                Your logic there is flawed.

                2-3 minutes of typing, now back to my normal life thanks for the convo!

                Ohhhh shit does saying thanks for the conversation make me negative? Oh dear.

                • @jetA
                  23 days ago

                  If there is a Chick-fil-A forum, and then you go in and say you hate Chick-fil-A every time it’s posted, once a month of course, that would be a negative thing to do.

                  Appreciate you taking the time to talk to me of course, I like to explore these facets of the human experience.

                  But I’m going to keep probing you as long as you keep responding to me cuz again, it’s content.

                  To be honest, however, I’d much rather talk about GPU manufacturing. But I’m honoring the structure of this conversation, this subthread was started off by your desire for Linus to go away, and that you don’t like him. And that’s what we’re exploring. I’m trying to respect the parameters you have created

          • @Juno@beehaw.org
            123 days ago

            How am I trying to make people upset? Voicing my disapproval upsets you?

            I’m trying to imagine an alternate scenario

            We’re at a restaurant, I’m served food I don’t like, “food bad”

            “You’re just trying to make people upset!!!”

            Whatever you say buddy.

            • @jetA
              23 days ago

              Okay you go to a restaurant you don’t like the food, you leave a negative review Great.

              However when you drive by the restaurant and you see people inside, you run inside and yell food bad every time. That’s akin to the scenario you’re doing now

              At what point does your desire to be negative override other people’s desires to enjoy their food?

              • @Juno@beehaw.org
                123 days ago

                It’s not negative to say a thing is a thing or to say I have preferences for this or that.

                I left one comment, probably the first one @ linus I’ve left in more than a month.

                You’re the one asking “WHY THE NEGATIVE COMMENT” over and over. At what point are you just telling people around you “don’t have opinions different from mine” ?

                • @jetA
                  23 days ago

                  I’m saying if you don’t like the steak, don’t come to my table while I’m trying to eat steak and tell me it’s terrible.

                  And if your position is once a month you can go into a restaurant and Tell people that the food they’re eating isn’t good, I would say you lack modern etiquette and a sense of empathy. I appreciate you rate limiting it to once a month.

                  • @Juno@beehaw.org
                    122 days ago

                    I’m not going into a restaurant. “Chick filet” is coming across my feed.

                    I care enough to type something that takes 2 seconds for me to say.

                    Yes. I’d rather do that than block him. If you don’t like it, tough titty. Get over it already.