By that I mean, it must be an inherently comforting thing to think - we inherently know this and want there to be something after death, because it feels right, or more meaningful. There’s a reason basically every civilization ever has some sort of afterlife ethos.

I realize I am basically horseshoeing my way into evangelicalism but still. Maybe life was better if we believed there was something beyond this. [edit - please note that yes, the world is shitty, things are awful and getting worse, and that is exactly my point – we get THIS SHIT, and nothing else? god that’s awful]

  • jetA
    8 months ago

    If science has proven something, that means there’s a falsifiable hypothesis, and experiments you can perform.

    You cannot prove a negative. Example: unicorns don’t exist, prove it… At best, you can demonstrate there is no recorded observation of unicorn, that is a far cry from saying there are no unicorns anywhere.

    • 𝘋𝘪𝘳𝘬
      8 months ago

      Given the fact that there are other horned animals (some of them having a centered horn in the middle of the head) the probability of a horse-like animal with a centered horn is definitely larger than 0.