This recycling system will look at what is available on the logistics network (from the roboport) and will keep recycling anything with more then R (4k by default, set by combinator next to the roboport) items in the logistics network.

Anything that doesn’t have 4k in logistics, will get put onto the exit belt for sorting, or storage.

This uses my best effort stack inserters to keep the belt as compact as possible.

This system has reduced my fulgora footprint! most of my recycling belts are empty now, and my trains cannot keep up with the speed of recycling now.

The new UI updates are quite nice for quality mechanics, and the storage chests get bigger with quality is a very welcome change!

    • jetOPA
      4 months ago

      This version will fill up the train car first, then when the output chest can’t be fully emptied into the train car, it will start recycling items in the train. Not as high a duty cycle as the first design, but much more compact, and MUCH MUCH easier on the game engine… i got a huge performance boost after switching over all my recyclers to trains (not as much state needs to be tracked on belts)

      Because we cant read the contents of a freight wagon without the engine at a stop, we have to use a chest we can read the contents of to do our sorting, hence the chest on the output of the recyclers that then feeds into the train.

      To prioritize recycling from the train, the inserters feeding from the input belts are disabled if the output chest has any items (i.e. the train car is full)