Me and my girlfriend are attempting a keto-style diet, but I am a terrible chef and don’t have much energy to cook generally. Previously I’d mostly eat soups and stews since I could make a huge pot, freeze some of the extra and eat it with rice, but most of the recipies I know aren’t keto friendly (or at least the one suitable for a full meal). It also doesn’t help that I’m a pretty terrible cook and my girlfriend is used to well-seasoned African cuisine.

I’m hoping to find some keto or keto-adjacent meals that can be prepared in bulk easily, and ideally (but not necessarily), frozen.

      3 months ago

      Yes, concerned about cardiovascular events.

      For me personally, my lipid profile (cholesterol) doesn’t move significantly when I’m on keto, but by HbA1c (T2D marker) improves dramatically, which makes the cholesterol less relevant.

      I know there’s some good science supporting a keto diet, particularly for people with my specific maladies. However, there’s also a large well established body of good science indicating a strong link between the consumption of saturated fat and poor cardiovascular health.

      • jetA
        3 months ago

        strong link between the consumption of saturated fat and poor cardiovascular health.

        Yes, absolutely true - in the context of a high carbohydrate diet with high insulin levels.

        That is why i like to look at studies with endpoints of all cause mortality rather then just LDL as the study outcome.