How does it work that we eat few times a day, but usually we poop only once?

Is the colon somehow programmed to buffer the waste until the time is up and then dumps it all further?

Got this thought when observing my dog who eats twice a day (morning and evening) and more or less poops twice a day (morning and evening).

  • jetA
    2 months ago

    Typically super dry poops mean something is deficient in your diet, so your stomach / gut is really wrangling every last drop it can get from your food. Make sure your eating some highly bioavailable food like liver, eggs to ensure your getting all your micronutrients.

    Fiber can help, but its not necessary, its famous for reducing transit time, it doesn’t fix the first problem, but the poops will be more frequent. (natures broom as some would say)

    If your eating more fat then your gall bladder can provide bile for, the excess makes it into the intestines, resulting in lubricated poops. This is one possible scenario as well.

    If you have other gut issues, like ibs, chrones, lactose intolerance (which happens in lots of adults who don’t even realize it!!!), etc - just removing the irritant can fix the issue. Elimination diets are good ways to experiment with different foods (carnivore is the gold standard elimination diet - often used by people with severe / chronic gut issues)

    I’m not sure how drinking water would really help, assuming your not dehydrated… Perhaps the theory is the water can overwhelm the intestines ability to absorb? Maybe… depends on transit time, overall electrolyte balance, sweat, etc… if your pee is already clear and not yellow at all, you have enough water

    (Again not a poopologist - I swear it on my endoscope, not medical advice, just spit balling)

      2 months ago

      The dehydration is a consistent problem for me. But, I’m looking into this fats thing. I have IBS-C, and since I started taking Wegovy, it’s gotten much worse, but the fat in my diet has also decreased a ton.

      Which isn’t great because fat can fill you up more than what I used to eat. Unfortunately I can’t stand eggs and liver, it’s a texture thing i don’t really understand.

      One thing I know works very well is any cream pasta sauce. Which makes me think it’s time for experimenting.

      • jetA
        2 months ago

        Wegovy is a massive complicating factor! It has a big impact on your outputs.

        Good luck on finding the right food for you!