• Extras
    310 months ago

    Damn thats disappointing so much goddamn potential too. What do you think their solution is going to be when support inevitably ends and they still have to fulfill their promise?

    • @jetA
      10 months ago

      They have already shown us with their previous fair phones. They cant fix the baseband security, so any updates that come along are ASOP only, any security updates are ASOP and not baseband.

      It’s not great if your security conscious.

      Honestly it would be fine if they said baseband security until 2029, and software updates until 2033. Long enough for most people to use, and resell to people don’t care about baseband updates.

      But they don’t say that… They say they are still getting security updates. Omitting they are not updating the baseband. Its a lie by omission. Thats not a good look for our “fair phone” friends.