This search should obviously return the official Docker Hub Redis image,, but it’s just a bunch of blogs.

On DuckDuckGo the first result is the Docker Hub image, which is what everyone would want.

    1077 months ago

    Google definitely has its moments of returning crap results, but you chose a terrible example.

    Results from both docker and redis, on topic for exactly what you asked for.

    Why even use Google at all, when you could search docker hub If that’s what you knew you wanted.

    • wkk
      157 months ago

      With such a query the first expected result would be, and then blog posts if really that’s what you want.

      On my device I cannot find a link to dockerhub at all with the same query.

      67 months ago

      Yeah, I don’t see the problem here. Those are the pages with the download links (and also instructions to use them, for folks who need it)

      What did you want, a direct download link to a file? An FTP site?

      You literally got what you asked for. There are plenty of examples of Google search sucking, this is you just being pissy because there’s instructions on a download page.

    747 months ago

    If you think that’s bad, try googling something related to Android.
    All the results are shitty blog posts full of padding text with grammar and spelling mistakes.

  • moosetwin
    507 months ago

    For anyone wondering, here’s that same query in DDG (zoomed out to show same amount of results)

  • rem26_art
    377 months ago

    man SEO really has managed to break search. There’s so many random blogs that just have pretty much just your search terms in the title and rarely have anything else of use.

  • @jetA
    347 months ago

    idk… the first two results seem both relevant and authoritative.

    • wkk
      47 months ago

      You may not be a developer, but the first expected result with that query would be a link to

      Google is really bad at this for some reason and will point you to blogs that as a dev I don’t care in the slightest. Hell, using the same query I cannot find a single link to dockerhub on my device, it’s extremely frustrating

        • wkk
          17 months ago

          The usage docs for the docker image should be in the dockerhub readme.

          But the first result to the query docker redis image should be the dockerhub entry, followed maybe by blog posts and tutorials.

          Otherwise you can query something like redis doc or redis docker tutorial.

        • wkk
          17 months ago

          It’s important to look at the dockerhub page to see the available tags (I usually prefer smaller images like alpine)

      • @jetA
        7 months ago

        Clearly? Your keywords are docker and reddis… here is a page, from talking about that exact thing.

        How can you automate the relevance of the page? manually review? block all blog (some blogs are good).

        Google uses signals, like you clicking on other links, to determine the quality of results, so your terminal click is the high quality result.

        You complain the first result is an ad for docker hub, but your stated desired result is … docker hub…

          -197 months ago

          But couldnt they active their brain during development? Or have for the big websites that have something special a special case?

          for example on docker you dont want ugly Blogs from them you want the images if you ask for docker IMAGENAME. They know the path paterns /ORG/IMAGENAME.

          If you have issues then you will query docker how to use IMAGENAME or similar then the blog would be perfect. Otherwise useless information.

          • @jetA
            7 months ago

            your taking your human level domain specific knowledge of a specific site structure - and generalizing it to a search engine. How is the search engine going to know the best result to give you?

            If a search is for docker NAME image so google shows users

            • A - blog talking about NAME image from taking users step by step
            • B - direct link to the for IMAGE with nothing else, but the download page

            Which result is going to get more terminal, and high quality clicks from searchers?

            Realizing that many of the people who are using docker daily are either going to already go to the hub directly, or do in some quick search bar

            The population of searchers who find the A result more beneficial is probably higher then the B result, most people prefer step by step instructions and some hand holding when searching. The pros who have a groove and rythem, I suspect, have more direct ways to get what they want.

            While google can improve, i’m not seeing this as gore, the relevant result this user wanted was the 5th link, and the first 2 links both got them there as well.

        27 months ago

        I’m confused then. If you were looking for a docker image, why not start in

        I’m not an expert in containers, but I know enough to know if I am looking for an image, I go to docker hub.

  • 𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒏
    7 months ago

    I agree with OP here, these results are not great.

    OP searched for the redis docker image, not a tutorial on how to use it, not a tutorial on why redis should be run in docker, and did not search for redis docker docs. While these are relevant, they should be further down, not the top result. DDG gets this right, and I’m pretty sure other search engines do too.

    For a total newbie, these results are probably OK, but for a technical person who knows what they want literally as they type it, Google’s results are (excuse my french) simply shit. DDG is miles better at handling this stuff, and they don’t need your personal data to do it well either.

    Edit: Just went and searched “redis docker image” in a private tab on Google, and the docker hub image for Redis is not even shown on the first page of results

  • Kalash
    187 months ago

    This search should obviously return the official Docker Hub Redis image

    It’s the 5th result for me.

    Don’t really see the “gore” … those are all relevant results.

    167 months ago

    I searched for help on a game I was playing the other day and got 300 results, all the same forum post. Like, the exact same post 300 times

    7 months ago

    On kagi, the first result is also the docker hub link. This example is not actually that bad though, the first 2 results at least still relevant (from docker and redis domains) instead of some random blogspam (3rd result).

  • @jetA
    7 months ago

    Just for fun let’s compare the search results of docker redis image:

    • Google results - A, B, C, D*, E
    • DDG results - E, A, B, F*, G*
    • Bing results - A, E, B, C, G* (Bing throws up a bunch of Cards, which i ignored for these comparisons)

    So more or less the same high quality results in the top 5 results across the engines, with a little reordering going on.

    the* means blog spam.

    97 months ago

    I had a similar experience today. I wanted to run a battlefield 2042 server and forgot the URL.


    So I google searched for “Run a battlefield 2042 server” thinking obviously that would lead to that page. Nope, all it gave me were blog posts and wikihow shit.

    87 months ago

    I was searching how to cast the screen on an Android phone through USB yesterday, and I had to go through pages of “free” Play Store apps and their shitty tutorials, some of which I downloaded, (one had 50 million downloads) two of which were identical skins of each other that wanted payment information and charged $20 a month after a week long trial, to eventually find out it’s a default included option on any Samsung phone and can be found in some settings. Google search has completely gone to shit.

    77 months ago

    Oh it’s absolute garbage. It’s virtually impossible to look up anything and get an answer related to your question.