The sad part is that we don’t know if mullet-man is being satirical or if he actually drank the kool-aid. Either way, pasty-white-boy is starting to learn some media literacy, and is getting bullied for it.
I’m the movie, Office Space, mullet-man is dead serious in his answer. But that’s because the original question is, “At your job, do people ever say ‘Sounds like someone’s got a case of the Mondays?’”
The sad part is that we don’t know if mullet-man is being satirical or if he actually drank the kool-aid. Either way, pasty-white-boy is starting to learn some media literacy, and is getting bullied for it.
That sounds like treason talk there.
sorry inquisitor, i meant to say “For the glory of Terra and the God Emperor of Mankind!”
am I doing it right?
I’m the movie, Office Space, mullet-man is dead serious in his answer. But that’s because the original question is, “At your job, do people ever say ‘Sounds like someone’s got a case of the Mondays?’”