The stackexchange is abandoned, the subreddits feel haunted, there are sparse posts that are few and far between with limited and carefully monitored activity, there isn’t much talk about Monero even in general cryptocurrency communities other than the occasional passing mention. Did i miss something? are external factors at play?

Its almost Monero’s 10th anniversary you guys, where is everybody?

    173 months ago

    I believe things are in a state of flux as security and privacy-minded people re-adjust to the new reality wherein attacks with real-world consequences (like getting thrown in prison on false charges) are no longer theoretical.

    In the past, such things mostly only happened to high-profile activists like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. Now it’s happening to normal, everyday people, just like we predicted for years would happen.

    Things are getting “real”. People are adjusting.

      43 months ago

      Now it’s happening to normal, everyday people, just like we predicted for years would happen.

      Got any links to share about this? I haven’t been paying attention to crypto news for years.

      • Blake
        33 months ago

        check out this episode of monerotalk

        Roman Sterlingov arrested and charged - without sufficient evidence - for using / operating a bitcoin mixer.

        Based purely on SPECULATIVE chainalysis, heuristics cannot guarantee that he was the user. However, as chainalysis is in bed with intelligence services it is their gold standard. Now there is legal precedent to admit SPURIOUS chainalysis evidence in court. As noob judges/juries don’t in2 tech they are strong armed by the state into accepting it.

        Therefore anyone who holds a tainted bitcoin (or any public ledger crypto) can be tainted by that coin IN LAW and charged for any crime that utxo ever got near.

        The lawyers give a great rundown of the case here demonstrating how badly justice has failed.

        -He KYC’d BTC in 2011 on Mt Gox -His utxo’s bounced around a few wallets and ended up being used to buy the bitcoinfog domain [he is accused of buying the domain w/o proof] -He later pulled some BTC out of Bitcoinfog into KYC’d exchanges to off-ramp [he is accused of being paid by bitcoinfog for services w/o proof]

        The fact that the ghouls are harvesting data from early days (eg/ 2011) that anyone who ever KYC’d anywhere can be linked by chainalysis with a crime. Hence a cooling effect on crypto writ large.

    133 months ago

    Most of the regulars are hanging out on matrix. There are actually a lot of exciting things in the pipeline: Monerokon, Haveno, Serai, FCMPs, etc.

    People have said the current bullrun in general is boring and the excitement is nothing compared to the last one. And Monero isn’t even participating in the current bullrun :P

    • @DisgracedDoctor@mander.xyzOP
      53 months ago

      Shame, during the great Fediverse migration, I expected there would be more people in Monero specific spaces as the concept of the fediverse in general aligns so well with the values behind Monero, unfortunately it seems it has just become a bubble of ideologies. I expected there would sort of be a chatter surrounding the 10th anniversary, I guess most people in the community have ‘settled’ and are done with Monero activism and I am the one who is late.

      Hung around with the Serai people(digitally) near the start of the bullrun, as I understand they plan to launch their own native coin(which I have some reservations against), and don’t really have a focus on privacy(at least right now)

        83 months ago

        Im quite happy with the pace is growing, especially since it was initially only set up as a fallback in case the subreddit gets banned.

        Serai requires it’s own coin for the design to work, there is no real way around it.

        • @DisgracedDoctor@mander.xyzOP
          3 months ago

          what I am really concerned about(an unfortunate nature of the public ledger) is coins being tainted, they were also pretty vague on any sort of launch window which I understand, I don’t really hope for Monero to moon(Its not supposed to be) but I wonder if the native XMR coin could be used in a psuedo-layer 2 like network, that generates interest by leveraging POS coins(sort of like fractional banking)

            13 months ago

            The serai coin is mainly used as stake and pair for liquidity pools, it’s not supposed to be used for payments. Imo taint is less of an issue, you’re only at risk when not using Monero and that’s the case no matter if you got the coins from Serai or any other exchange.

        63 months ago

        You’ve generated a pretty decent discussion right here in this thread you started. Stick around. I think it will continue to grow here.

      • silverpill
        63 months ago

        @DisgracedDoctor @monero @monerobull I think this is because monero today is a boring tool that just works. The community calmed down and many activists/shills moved to greener pastures. This is probably a good thing

        If you want more activity in fediverse, you can try to get micro-blogging sector going. There are many people who are interested in monero but no organization. I’ve seen a couple of accounts run by projects which mostly cross-post from twitter and do not engage with audience. No follow lists. We had a xmrposter Pleroma instance, but it was shut down.

        23 months ago

        If you go to Monero’s X account they only share their Telegram group and website. The group is quite active.

      • @jetA
        13 months ago

        We are just using it day to day. When it comes up I tell people about it

          63 months ago

          This is a good approach. Monero works as intended and has a strong use case. Use it when and where you can.

          functionality > hype

      03 months ago

      Knowledge should be available in an open forum, not constricted to a chat app which will encourage repetition. I cannot fathom how people active in the Monero community, knowing how technical it is, somehow missed this

        23 months ago

        On matrix the meetings are held and people just generally hang out. There is still r/monero & r/monerosupport as well as but that one’s a bit less accessible for people new to Monero.

    103 months ago

    We’re still here, and have never left. Interest in crypto is primarily driven by price, and with the relative poor market performance attention of the masses is diverted. Almost like if it’s planned by those who don’t like xmr.

    33 months ago

    It’s hard to get excited when you still can’t live on Monero. I will shout from the rooftops when I can pay my bills with Monero anonymously. Things like property taxes, vehicle registration, fuel, groceries, insurance, internet and mobile svcs, etc. I am poor, so those are the only things I spend money on. Monero is best represented in selling items that are not required for day to day life, so until that changes, it’s quite understandable that the Monero community lacks enthusiasm.

    3 months ago

    I see more engagement in r/Monero or X. Nostr and this instance on the other hand feels quiet. I’m not a Matrix user so I don’t know there.

  • Mario
    13 months ago

    @DisgracedDoctor Yes. Monero lost some interest over the past months. I guess the propaganda of CBDC works quite well. We probably need to wait until further plandemics are deployed. More people are going to see the need for real currencies then.