The reason I need disposable account just for convenience.

  • Because all online account, I use random-generate password with password manager.
  • I rent computer (pc-bang, internet cafe) to have game night with friends 2-3 times a week
  • I don’t feel like login my password manger on stranger PC

So, I just create new lemmy account to intereact with people.

And the way I create it:

  • Pick a random name using fantasy random name generator
  • Reuse the password only for temp account. Seriously, If you know that password, you can hack all my temp account

The instance:

  • I just browse the instance list, pick those with ~1000 user
  • the one with no application process, the one which I can get a new account ready to go now.
  • Use temp email, 10 minutes email if required. Leave email blank optional.

I think my privacy is fully protect. And I help less well know instance have out-going interactive like vote and comment.

    201 month ago


    You’re always using the same password for all your spam accounts…

    But you won’t just use one because you don’t want to remember the password?

    The ones thats the same for all of them?

    And somehow all this seems not only like a good idea to you? But you think it’s a good enough idea to brag to people about?

    I hope you’re trolling, because if this is serious and you’re not a child, life is gonna be hard.

      • Admiral Patrick
        241 month ago

        I disagree you’re helping smaller instances in any way and posit that you’re making the fediverse worse with that practice.

        You’re creating and abandoning accounts on the regular. Those accounts federate out to every instance the home one is linked to and exist in perpetuity. We’re talking several thousand instances or more. All filling up with abandoned accounts from the same person.

        This post isn’t the flex you think it is.

        • @jetA
          01 month ago

          lemmy has to be able to grow, so its better to run into account build up early rather than later.

          • Admiral Patrick
            151 month ago

            But they’re not real accounts; just abandoned burner accounts. I would hardly call that growth.

            • Admiral Patrick
              1 month ago

              I mean, you’re right, it kind of is provoking an “immune” response 🤷🏻‍♂️. Several UIs already add badges to new accounts since trolls spinning up new accounts to ban-evade is an ongoing problem.

              I maintain a Lemmy UI, and I’m now adding a feature to let people hide new accounts; they can specify a minimum age and only accounts older than that will be shown in communities they’re not a moderator of.

            • @jetA
              51 month ago

              Of the problems lemmy currently has, people making throw away accounts isn’t really high up on my list of cancer level problems.

     getting so big it can take days/weeks for content to federate is a huge issue, many communities on simply don’t show up on my instance, or my posts don’t show up on their instances for DAYS!

              Small communities need better moderation tools (in community posting requirements, account age, karma, only voting if your an active poster in the community)… right now niche communities get stomped pretty hard by drive by hate-engagement.

              Searching though a specific person’s posts (like finding a post i made myself)

              people able to kill entire threads by deleting the post, all the contributions of the community disappear, discouraging engagement.

    121 month ago

    Congratulations. Poor people who try to engage with you, because you’re never going to read a reply and it’s all wasted effort.

    121 month ago

    This is silly, imo. If you don’t want to be at all identifiable, use something like 4chan. However, there is a reason places that allow that level of anonymity are cancerous.

    91 month ago

    So, if you’ve been doing this for a year, and subscribing to the same communities with ~1000 users, 180 of those users are you?

  • @jetA
    71 month ago

    i mean, if this makes you happy, more power to you… what did you want to talk about?

    31 month ago

    It’s good for your privacy, unless that master password is found, maybe. Aren’t you wasting space across all the instances having to track your accounts, though?