What I think I know : They tried to take a picture at Arlington National Cemetery, but couldn’t? There was a physical altercation maybe? But the Trump campaign said there wasn’t?

Is there more to this? Can someone explain to me the context of how this is a scandal?

Like I hate Trump but I don’t understand why this is a big deal. It doesn’t seem to involve the man personally, just some staffers who had an argument with a cemetery worker, and seems like small potatoes compared to other scandals he’s had. Is it because of how sacred the cemetary is, or did they get into an actual fist fight, or did Trump personally interfere in some way?

  • heavyboots@lemmy.ml
    1 month ago
    • They attended a ceremony in a part of the cemetery off-limits to photography and political events, due to some sort of dealings instigated by House Speaker Mike Johnson.
    • Trump was told he could only attend in a personal capacity and that no hangers-on would be allowed in.
    • When an official tried to enforce these limitations on his visit, a large staffer physically pushed her aside, claiming that photography was allowed, so he and at least one or two staffers were there instead of just Trump himself.
    • Trump has (of course) posted this crap all over his social media, using it for political purposes, in spite of the conditions under which his visit was supposed to take place. (Honoring a fallen soldier in a civilian capacity.)
    • And after it is all over and starting to blow up in his face, his response is unsurprisingly to lie about it all, despite photographic evidence (of the politics and extra staffers) and eye witness confirmation of the physical aspect (by Army personnel) that it happened.