Right now:

Crash Bandicoot Nsane trilogy, FFX-2, Cyberpunk 2077, DMC V.

  • intensely_human@lemm.ee
    6 days ago

    Space Engineers.

    It’s not so much that I’m stuck, as that I hit a motivational wall when I realized I have no goal.

    Just building stuff isn’t so interesting to me. I like to build stuff to solve problems.

    For a long time my goal was to get to the moon. Now I’m just bored. I’ve done a little stuff on the moon, including making a specialized drilling ship that gobbles up ore at a ridiculous rate then lifts it back to my moon base, and a welding ship that stores massive numbers of plates, and a loading station that automatically fills it from the base’s network.

    But I’m just bored. Kinda want to play it multiplayer, but all the servers are too ephemeral to build anything of consequence on.