Recent studies highlight threats to health of women and infants as abortion restrictions change US health landscape

In Louisiana, doctors will no longer be able to carry a lifesaving medication with them during pregnancy emergencies. In Texas, the infant mortality rate is soaring. In Idaho, pregnant people drive hours just to give birth. And in Oklahoma and Georgia, women are bleeding out in hospital parking lots and facing dangerous infections before they can find care – and sometimes, that care comes too late.

The limitations and outright bans on abortion that have taken hold in half of the US in the wake of the Dobbs decision have wreaked enormous changes to the reproductive health landscape.

The restrictions put a growing burden on the health and wellbeing of patients and providers, even as more Americans find it difficult to find and access care.

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    4 months ago

    Corporate-funded obsequious lackeys are de-civilizing our society. They’re forcing us into survival mode so we’re unable to marshal any kind of response to their tyranny.

    For those of you who think AI and related technologies will be a force for good, you might refresh your understanding of the millennia of slavery that preceded our short-lived liberal era. My personal fear is that the ruling class will use technology to enslave us again.

    Look how they’re behaving already, in the cold light of day, in a time when we have HD video and instant communication. In the face of super-powerful tech, we’re doomed. Even this comment I’m writing now will be scooped up by machines and used against me in the future in ways I can scarcely imagine now.

    I know it’s a stretch, but the fact of dehumanizing our pregnant mothers, newborn babies, and hopeful fathers cannot be separated from the ancient propensity of the ruling class to enslave.