How do you manage your contacts and tinder?

How do you keep track of which conversations are active, where people are by location?

The default tinder interface kind of falls apart once you’ve got more than a few conversations going. It’s easy to get a conversation you’re interested in buried.

Then post tinder when you move to a real messaging application what are your strategies for keeping the data organized?

A scenario I run into is I’ve got a lot of tinder contacts and I go to a city where I’ve contact a lot of people on tinder, but I can’t see my contacts by location once I’ve contacted them, so I don’t know who’s in the same city as me. How do you handle this?

  • jetOPA
    1 year ago

    Nowadays I’m following the conversation, try to get to alternative messaging app in three or four messages, and if it doesn’t work just delete from tinder. But it’s wasteful.

    It would also be nice to see if somebody’s online after you’ve matched them. From the conversation view.