This recycling system will look at what is available on the logistics network (from the roboport) and will keep recycling anything with more then R (4k by default, set by combinator next to the roboport) items in the logistics network.

Anything that doesn’t have 4k in logistics, will get put onto the exit belt for sorting, or storage.

This uses my best effort stack inserters to keep the belt as compact as possible.

This system has reduced my fulgora footprint! most of my recycling belts are empty now, and my trains cannot keep up with the speed of recycling now.

The new UI updates are quite nice for quality mechanics, and the storage chests get bigger with quality is a very welcome change!

    4 个月前

    I like this, very cool idea! I’m confused about how it helps with emptying your recycling belts and trains, as this seems more about processing excess items in storage rather than increasing throughput of scrap processing?

    • jetOPA
      4 个月前

      This setup keeps the recyclers nearly always busy, so there isn’t idle time. Because the local scrap loop is local there is a ton of similar items, so the recycler has a much higher chance of grabbing what it is already processing, which is a huge efficiency improvement when it doesn’t have to change recipes

      This reduces the amount of time sending unneeded parts though the entire post recycler sorting belt system.

      Because only what is needed is sent out the recycler area can be more dense for the same footprint on a oddly shaped island.

      When trains arrive to unload scrap there isn’t any other material being recycled clogging up the bus, so they can immediately unload. Ive really seen a increase in train throughout.