In July 2011, the anti-Muslim neo-Nazi killed eight with a car bomb in Oslo and then gunned down 69, most of them teenagers, at a Labour Party youth camp on Utoeya island.

      4 months ago

      Well, then you should become jobless and fall into the world of low wage jobs offered by the jobcenter for a while and see how totally non toxic that is. When I became 18 they send me to various institutions, expecting me to write like at least 30 job applications each month, requiring me to apply for Zeitarbeitsfirmen (back then we still had 1€ jobs). Every visit with the ARGE was a meeting with some sadistic asshole that just lived to make other people’s lives miserable, expecting you to stand at their door each day. Maybe you want to say no one in Germany has to be homeless due to our social systems, but that’s just bullshit. Even with the already terrible caveats I’ve said already, the amount of money you get is also just token money that keeps you somewhat afloat. But try living off of that for extended periods of time, experience when all your shit starts to fall apart and you simply cannot afford to replace them. I can absolutely see why people chose to live on the streets, or try to get imprisoned. Because then they don’t have to deal with any of this inhumane bullshit.

        4 months ago

        I am jobless due to health issues. I’m in the system for six years now. My current administrator wants to see me every three months. I can tell you stories, too, especially about getting hopes up and broken promises by the fading government.