In July 2011, the anti-Muslim neo-Nazi killed eight with a car bomb in Oslo and then gunned down 69, most of them teenagers, at a Labour Party youth camp on Utoeya island.

    4 months ago

    I am sorry that you are in such a situation. I wish better for you.

    There is a major difference however, you have at least the opportunity for a better life. (How real that opportunity is, is another matter and depends on a lot of factors).

    A prisoner is at the mercy of the state without any option to change the circumstances.

    I also highly doubt people would commit atrocities to end up in prison.

    We do however have a strong welfare state in Norway that tries to remedy the worst issues with poverty for the individual, so that everyone have a certain minimum.

    Edited 5 min later: If unneccesarilly cruel and harsh punishments worked, I guess USA wouldn’t have a lot of prisoners?