• kromem@lemmy.world
    1 year ago


    There’s a world of difference between socially inappropriate desires that someone might be born with and can’t help and inappropriate behaviors that they chose to do.

    By all means demonize the latter. But demonizing the former along with it does mean a likely increase in the latter by forcing a social climate where being open and transparent about the former to avoid the latter is far less common.

    People suck even dealing with people being alcoholics or drug addicts and giving them the space and situational consideration to avoid temptation.

    All that said, IIRC the numbers are something like 50% of people with a sexual attraction to children will have acted on it by college, so it’s understandable that the animosity for the former is often not far distanced from the latter.

    But I’m all for any social programs that provide support for helping the other 50% avoid going down that path.