Fascinating talk of improving agriculture in developing areas.

Livestock’s Vital Role in Nourishing the World: Ensuring food security through sustainable production systems.

Presentation by Prof Gbola Adesogan, PhD, Univ of Fl, Crop Science Society of America, San Antonio, TX, 13 Nov 2024.


  • jetOPMA
    2 months ago

    Many of the practicing vegetarians in areas at risk for stunting, or wasting, are not volunteering for the diet, it is chosen out of bleak necessity.

    Child development, bioavailable nutrition at least during pregnancy and the first years of life are critical.

    As a population ages, the availability of nutrition once again becomes paramount for quality of life.

    Paper referenced in the talk : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30376075/ full text here https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/289999476.pdf

    Relative risk of bone fractures comparing vegan/vegetarian vs omnivore control diets - Demonstrating the critical need for Animal based nutrition for vulnerable populations.

    Orthodox Christianity in Ethiopia has 240 days of fasting per year? Really? Wow… is that full fasting or daylight only?

    Child development, bioavailable nutrition at least during pregnancy and the first years of life are critical.

    As a population ages, the availability of nutrition once again becomes paramount for quality of life.